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Why should I choose your service?

We offer you excellent rates and risk-free experience, so you can relax and enjoy your time in Northern Thailand.

  • We understand that you might feel uncomfortable with advance payments — so we don't require any. You make the reservation with your name and email address and you pay only when you see and like your car.
  • We understand that your plans might change, so it is OK to cancel your reservation — just email or call us and consider it done.
  • The last thing we want is to spoil your time in Thailand — we would rather lose a reservation than make you take a car you don't like. So it is really fine with us if you decide not to take the car we delivered. Of course we wouldn't charge you anything!
  • You pay in cash only the amount you agreed on, we do not add any hidden charges.
  • We charge only 5,000 THB as a security deposit. We do not require a credit card and we do not keep your documents - we need only photocopy of your passport.
  • All cars come with free first-class insurance. Even if you cause a large-scale damage, the maximum you would pay is 20,000 THB (around 600 USD) and the insurance would cover the rest.
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Pang Sirima

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